Investment Review

This investment review is a straightforward look at the product and its performance. Not here to sell you on the product but merely to give you the opportunity to view it at a deeper level, while sharing with you my personal experience. Because there doesn’t seem to be much out there for a new user.

If you’re just looking for a referral code:
Here it is – Get your first $5,000 invested for free. Review Banner was something I had a look at after being introduced to the concept of Robo-Advisors by a friend. Which are low-cost investment funds that are accessible to the common investor and aimed at making investment simpler.

After looking at the Australian options I choose Clover, because it resonated with me the most in terms of branding and values. I found their transparency refreshing and felt that it was a good step forward in my personal investment journey. Plus the fact that they had the highest minimum investment amount.


Clover Investment Performance Review - A Look Inside the Software

Just under a year has passed and the portfolio Balance that I had chosen has seen great results. As the graphic indicates I started with $3,000 initially and added another $2,000 at a later point. Having gained a solid 7.46% since, which is a great return. Currently in the process of investing further knowing that it is safe and viable long-term option.

Post Covid-19 Results

Post-Coronavirus Results


Portfolio Types Review - Portfolio Types

The company provides you with five different investment structures or portfolio types. After going through the account creation process, I ended up with a Growth portfolio type. Yet shortly after decided to change to the Balance portfolio model. As I found it better adjusted to my long-term financial vision and less likely to give me periods with negative returns. The metaphorical middle path. Finer Details

The dashboard itself is quite basic but in many ways does the job and is effective at communicating what is most important. Certain things are still manual and must done by contacting the support team. A good example is the adjustment of your monthly contribution goals and the changing of portfolio types.

The great thing is that every investment is under your name and all fees that are associated with purchasing of shares (which in this case are ETF Vanguard Index Funds) are all included in the monthly fee that you pay. Fees and Dividends are paid monthly and your are required to create a Macquire Bank CMA account to deposit your funds. With a 1k minimum investment amount.

Portfolio Breakdowns

There is also a documentation section that provides you with all the important documentation in a PDF format. And a Portfolio section that provides you with a deeper look at the financials. Showing you the breakdown of returns vs asset classes and the exact amounts currently invested. Fee Structure

The fee structure is very fair and especially great for those investing between $2,500 and $10,000. Only having to pay $5 per month + GST. Of course some would argue that you could purchase your own ETF funds and pay a much smaller fee. But given that the fee is tax deductible and I personal enjoy making & earning money, while simultaneously also spending and sharing it. This doesn’t bother me.

Clover Fee Structure

Having done the math. If I had $90,000 (tier three fee structure) invested in Clover and given my current rate of return of 7.46%. Would mean an earning of $6,714.00. And my fee for the year would have been $540 + GST. Which is actually quite an amount when you think about it. However, if I had invited friends and family to the service. It would mean a margin of the fees would have been reduced and I could effectively deduct the rest of the fee from my taxes.


So Far So Good!

In hindsight, I am happy with the choice and the performance and will not be moving anytime soon. If your a young investor wanting to successfully outsource your long-term investments. Or someone looking for a safe alternative to balance your more risky ventures, this is the place for that. is a great investment option; whether you’re saving for a house deposit or have more ambitious financial goals. But are still finding your way.

Use this referral code:
Referral Link – Get your first $5,000 invested for free.

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