Best Non-Fiction Books

This is where it’s at. If you aren’t reading books that are mind expanding and altering your perception about your self and your surrounding, you should just call it a game. The more it has withstood the test of time, the better.

Don’t forget you should always be re-reading these books based on your circumstances and challenges. Every read will give you new insights and things you had previously missed. Think quality over quantity.

Life & Philosophy

Meditations – Marcus Aurelius

Think & Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

The Book of Five Rings – Miyamoto Musashi

Mastery – Robert Greene

Zen and the Art of Happiness – Chris Prentiss

The Way of the Superior Man – David Deida

Sales & Marketing

Sell or Be Sold – Grant Cardone

Dotcom Secrets – Russel Brunson

Purple Cow – Seth Godin

Personal Psychology

Psycho-Cybernetics – Maxwell Maltz

How to re-programming your mind and change the negative patterns into positive ones. It takes time, but it works.


Tribes – Seth Godin

Social Sciences

The Conundrum – David Owen

Sacred Economics – Charles Eisenstein


Magicians of the Gods – Graham Hancock

Atlantas was real, get with it already! And why should you care? Well, they were more advanced that our current civilisation in many ways..

God’s Wolf – Jeffrey Lee

Venture into the age of the crusades and learn about this complex era through the life of one man. Bonus: learn the ways of a Warrior Knight.


Design As Art – Bruno Munari

This book was the start of my design education.


Checkout the Best Fictional Book List